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吠陀占星|火星与月亮北交点在同一个宫|Angarak Yoga




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    2018-3-24 10:21
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    发表于 2018-4-20 18:26:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Conjunction of Mars and Rahu in a same house is called Angarak Yoga.
    火星与月亮北交点在同一个宫构成Angarak Yoga。

    The planet Mars is known as Mangala and this ancient name first mentioned in Rigveda. In the Vedic Astrology planet Mars is also called as other names like, Angaraka, Raktavarna, Bhauma, Lohitanga, Kuja and Bha. If the planet Mars occurs in any house with Rahu then it forms the Angarak yoga. Angar literally means fire ball. Mars is also son of the earth(bhumi) in Vedic astrology.
    火星被称作Mangala, 最早在梨俱吠陀中被提及。在吠陀占星中,火星还有其他名字,比如Angaraka, Raktavarna, Bhauma, Lohitanga, Kuja and Bha等。当火星与月亮北交点在同一宫时,就组成了Angarak Yoga。Angar本义是火球,在吠陀占星中火星被看成是地球的儿子。

    The Planet Mars also represents sibling, land, courage, blood and stamina in our body. It also plays a very important role in matching horoscope in Vedic astrology. If the planet Mars and Rahu both are at one house in the horoscope then it is Angarak yoga. Due to this yoga native can get conflict with brother and the native can also face difficulties with the house where he is living and it can happen before buying the house or after. But due to this Angarak yoga, the native will earn very good money in their young age but needs to concern their source of earning, otherwise it will create bad karma for their future. Vedic astrology is based on karmic principle, so this yoga also represents past life bad karma due to the native’s family. So in this life some will get chronic disease, or they can face dispute with their sibling related with their parental property especially in the 6th, 9th and 11th house in the horoscope.
    火星还代表兄弟姐妹,土地,勇气,血液,耐力等。同样在吠陀占星的配对中也扮演着很重要的角色。 星盘中有这个连结的人可能会与兄弟发生争端,同样可能会在房子相关的事情上遇到困难,无论是在买房子之间还是之后。 因为这个连结,也可能在很早就赚到很多钱,不过需要小心赚钱的渠道,不然可能会为将来创造不好的业力。吠陀占星是基于业力准则的,所以这个连结也代表前世与家人之间的业力。这一世可能会患慢性疾病,或者面临在父母房产上与兄弟的争端,尤其是当它们在第六,第九和第十一宫时。

    1.If the Mars and Rahu both are in the ascendant, it shows the fear of accident and very short temper of the native, but the native can also be bold and straightforward. They like adventure related work and sometimes like to lead people. If both planets are in good position, then the native can be very good in sports and dance.

    2. When Angarak yoga is formed in the second house of the horoscope, then the native can not be in very good relation with family members and will face the problem with parental property.

    3. In a horoscope, the 3rd house is the house of courage. The mars is the permanent planet lord of this house, so the native can be lack of happiness from sibling. And in this house mars will be the 12th from the 4th house so the native will need to go far aways to earn their livelihood. So the native could not enjoy peace and success in their home town.

    4. The 4th house is the house of our peace. If the mars sitting here, then no peace, in the Hindi language “mangal karega dangal”. Mars is the planet of action and war, so it can not give peace to the native’s life in their house of peace. This mars will also give sometimes heart related disease. In the Angarak yoga both Mars and Rahu in the fourth house, it can be the main cause that the native will get the problem related with their ancestor. The problem can happen in both health and property .

    5. In Vedic astrology, 5th house represents our previous life karma that we bring. For many people who don’t have kids, even they have had tried to do much effort but can not get the result, it can be some kind of curse from past life. Angarak Yoga also gives very bad result in this house, it can also be the cause of very big operation or surgery. But if the native is God fearing, through prayer and donation the problem can be solved in the present life.
    5.吠陀占星中,第五宫代表我们所携带的前世业力。有些人尽管尝试过但是没有小孩,可能是来自前世的某种诅咒。 火星和月亮北交点在这一宫的话会带来很糟糕的结果,可能是大的手术的原因。不过如果敬畏神,通过祈祷和捐赠,这一世问题可能会得到解决。

    6. This Yoga gives very good result in 6th house. The native can defeat their competitors and enemies. Due to this Yoga, some people need to face judiciary and then they will get victory. It also shows fighting tendency and criminal tendency. But this kind of native also have very bad relation with Mother’s family.
    6.在第六宫会带来很好的结果。很容易击败竞争者或敌人。因为这个连结,也可能需要去法庭,但是会获得胜诉。 这个人也可能是好斗的,或者有犯罪倾向的。与母亲的关系可能也很糟糕。

    7.The 7th house represents relation and partnership. If Mars and Rahu are in the 7th house, then woman also get problem in pregnancy. The native is not faithful to their life partner and business partner. This kind of people should avoid partnership. But if they do work overseas, they will achieve very good status. They will also be more relaxed in the relationship with people from different religion or cast.

    8. The native will face constipation problem, but will have sense of occult subject. They should alway care in the talking with other people, because they don’t use very kind words. Their marriage will be successful after 35 yeas old, relations in earlier age can not be successful. These people always like to eat spicy food.

    9. In the 9th house, the native is not religious inside, to fulfil their demand they will go to the temple or church. They will not get support from father, they need to build everything through own effort, so beginning of the life can be struggle.

    10. Angarak Yoga gives good result in the 10th house, the native will be more successful compared with other family member. This kind of people will also participate in politics or social organisations, they can achieve medium position in their work or society.

    11. The native will get unexpected gain in their business because Angarak Yoga is very good for business in the 11th house. They have lot of money but need to live in rental house. There can also be possibilities that they will be involved in illegal work.
    11.在第十一宫,这样的人会在生意中有意想不到的收获,因为Angarak Yoga在第十一宫会对做生意非常有利。他们可能有很多钱,但是需要住在租的房屋。也有可能会涉及非法工作。

    12. In the 12th house, the native will enjoy external affairs, due to this Yoga, the native will be easily involved in bad habit and bad company. There will also be chances that the native need to face the punishment from the police or need to go to prison.

    In order to avoid bad result of this Angarak Yoga, person should do some charity work for ill people in hospital, also chant Hanuman Chalisa, they should also do prayer and meditation on Tuesday.
    为了避免Angarak Yoga带来的不好的影响,人们应该为在医院的病人做一些慈善工作,可以唱诵Hanuman Chalisa, 也可以在星期二进行祈祷或者静心。

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