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If u r aquarius如果你是水瓶座

热度 7已有 270 次阅读2011-9-29 12:10

U must be charming,你一定是迷人的
Aquarius has a noble soul.水瓶座的人有着高贵的灵魂
Such souls in performance at insistence,and never yield 这样的灵魂表现在执着,并且绝不屈服
In many cases,U r the direct 很多情况下,你是直接的
Because of ur directly,So ur friends very less 正是因为你的直接,所以你朋友甚少
This is from ur demanding picky,In fact is not only picky 这个是源于你苛刻的挑剔,其实也不仅仅是挑剔
U will never look at when it disdainful things 你对于不屑的事物绝对不会多看一眼
U hate selfish ppl,but u always being described as a selfish ppl. 你讨厌自私的人,却总被别人形容为自私的人
Withal, u laughed off. 对此,你一笑而过
U were borin in winter, so u have strong character, u never give up for love你出生在冬季因此你性格坚毅 从不为爱情低头
But u can do everything for the person u love 却可以为心爱的人做任何事情
In ur world the money cant buy happiness 在你的世界里没有金钱可以买到的幸福
If u dont love sb, u will speak out directly,although the refuse is so cold 如果不爱对方 你会直接说出来 尽管冰冷拒绝
Thats already decided when u speak out 你说出的那一瞬 就注定了
Either make friends with Aquarius or nothing 要么和水瓶座做朋友要么什么都不是
Aquarius' hobby is widespread 水瓶座爱好广泛
Like travel,books,religion,art and have amazing attainments in many ways 像是旅游、书籍、宗教、艺术并且在很多方面有着惊人的造诣
Dont get wrong, thats just hobby for Aquarius 不要误会水瓶在这些方面仅仅是爱好
Its difficult to put these interests expand for these hobby for Aquarius 不要误会 水瓶在这些方面仅仅是爱好
The rich content and own life filled is the desire for Aquarius. 内容的丰富和自身的充盈是水瓶座一生地愿望
Aquarius choose ppl is too narrow, 水瓶座选人的入口很小
But if u contact with a long time, u will find, 但是一旦长久接触之后你会发现
Aquarius could contain ur many things although they dislike fawn and act young 他可以包容你的很多事情 尽管他对撒娇和装嫩极为反感
As long as Aquarius love u, u r their baby in the world 但是只要他爱你那么你就是他世界里的baby
All of the constellation can close to Aquarius 所有的星座都可以接近水瓶座
Only on the character and care about in life 只是性格上的互补和生活上的关心
Aquarius will release enormous enthusiasm 水瓶座会释放出巨大的热情
Family likfe is the only target in their life 家庭生活是他们追逐的唯一目标
Many ppl say Scorpio and Capricorn is the sign of themselves 很多人说天蝎座和摩羯座是很自我的星座
But as Aquarius 但是 在水瓶座面前
The two constellation r somewhat to cater to the mundane 这两个星座的自我显得多少有些迎合了世俗的味道
They may change according to the mundane 多少会根据世俗进行改变
But Aquarius never change themselves for anything 但是水瓶座却从不为任何事情轻易的改变自己
The heart pure like an angel 心地纯洁的从来和天使一样
If a Aquarius fell in love with u 如果一个水瓶座爱上了你
They mush be say like u loudly 他一定会大声的说出他喜欢你
Careless and carefully began dating with u 大大咧咧却又小心翼翼的开始和你约会
And they will feel sad when they have some mistakes in dating 并且会对自己在约会中的小失误而揪心不已
They will use all to get ur attention 他会用尽一切办法引起你的注意
If u want to know a Aquarius really love u想知道一个水瓶座是不是真的爱你
See how much they care about what u think about them 就看他有多么在意你对他的看法
The intelligent in Aquarius in rare in constellation. 水瓶座的聪颖也是星座中少见的
Such intelligent is different from tricky in Scorpio and also different from mundane in Capricorn 这样的聪颖不同于天蝎座的狡邪 不同于摩羯座的世俗
Its kinda a intelligent of essence 是一种本质上的聪明
But Aquarius wont like to control others use their intelligent 但是水瓶座并不会因为这样的聪明去掌控别人
This is the different with Leo 这点又是和狮子座的本质区别
Aquarius is walking the edge of the world and lost themselves in their own world 水瓶座是行走在世界边缘的人 沉醉在自我世界里的人
They dont want to hurt anyone,but also they wont let world hurt them 他们与世无争 但是也不允许世界伤害他们
If u have a friend who is Aquarius如果你身边有水瓶座的朋友
U will found你会发现
What they say r all real他们所说的话全部是真实的
Their care also so directly 他们的关心也来得那么直接
These kind of directly more than Aries and Taurus 这样的直接超过白羊座和金牛座
Because only u in their heart 因为在他们心中只有你
Finally to all of Aquarius 最后送给所有的水瓶座的朋友们一句话
Coz u love so carefully 因问你爱的小心
So the world becomes cold所以世界变得冰冷
U could warm 你可以热情一些
But it wont change ur persisten love 但是不会改变你对爱情的执着
For u 对你来说
Love is the life and the whole world 爱情就是生命和整个世界

发表评论 评论 (4 个评论)

回复 shelia 2011-9-29 13:47
回复 jinxiao22 2011-9-30 13:33
回复 level4 2011-10-9 21:14
回复 Jessica-xu 2011-10-10 17:50

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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