王杨 发表于 2012-4-11 12:23:14

【北京】猎头职位:石油外企招聘 Project Coordinator 项目协调

<DIV>职位: Project Coordinator 项目协调</DIV>
<DIV class=details>1. Help with project leader to liaise with oversea clients to make sure the project runs successfully<BR>协助项目经理与客户进行沟通,确保项目进展顺利<BR>2. Make sure the communication with clients is smooth, either by conference calls or by emails<BR>准确理解客户要求,确保与客户间的沟通及时、准确、有效<BR>3. May have the chance to work at client’s office, thus the ability to work independently is required<BR>有独立工作能力,偶尔需要到客户方工作</DIV>
<DIV class=linebox>岗位要求
<DIV class=details>
<UL class="d_rows clearfix">
<LI>语言要求:英语 + 普通话</LI>
<P>任职资格的具体描述:</P>Requirement/任职要求 <BR>1. A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in petroleum, geology or reservoir engineering<BR>石油工程、地质或油藏工程相关专业本科以上学历<BR>2. Good command of both oral and written English, overseas experience would be preferred<BR>英语听说读写流利,有海外工作经验者优先<BR>3. Excellent learning abilities, good interpersonal skills<BR>学习能力强,性格良好,善于同人交流<BR>4. Have good team spirit<BR>有良好的团队合作精神 We hope you are a quick learner, self-motivated hard worker. It doesn’t matter if your technical skill is not very strong and we offer competitive pay and more important, the opportunity for you to grow quickly</DIV></DIV></DIV>
<DIV>有意者请发简历至:<A href="mailto:ruby.wang@reliance-hr-international.com">ruby.wang@reliance-hr-international.com</A> </DIV>
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查看完整版本: 【北京】猎头职位:石油外企招聘 Project Coordinator 项目协调