张洋(英国) 发表于 2010-5-17 03:51:34

China Venture Capital & Private Equity Forum 2010

4th-5thJune, Futian Shangri-la Hotel, Shenzhen, China

DearCE Global Members,

We are very pleased to announce oursupport for the 12th China Venture Capital & Private Equity Forum(“CVCF”) to be hosted in Shenzhen this June and organised by the ChinaVenture Capital Research Institute (“CVCRI”).

Please see belowfor a full list of the hosts and organisers which include the CentralCommittee of China National Democratic Construction Association and theMinistry of Science and Technology.

CVCF is described by CVCRI as“the No.1 forum in the VC industry in China” expecting over 1,500participants and has been held annually since 1999.

Speakers areexpected to include:

Justin Yifu Lin,Chief Economist and SeniorVice President of World Bank
Min Tang, Deputy Secretary General ofChina Development Research Foundation
Frank Gong, Managing Director,Vice Chairman of China Investment Banking, J.P.Morgan
Fred Hu,Chairman of Greater China at Goldman Sachs

For details on thespeakers please see http://www.cvcri.com/forum/2010/sz/english/speaker.asp

Pleasesee below for more details on this high profile event.


We have been invited to attend this two day forum on the 4th–5thJune in Shenzhen China (the “Summit”) and we have been asked to extendthis invitation to our members.

We have arranged for ourmembers and friends to receive a 15% discount on tickets.

DiscountedTicket Price: US$680
Normal Ticket Price: US$800

Ifyou are interested in this event, please email to events@ceglobal.org.

Registrationdeadline: Friday 21 May 2010.

Pleasenote that the prices above only include entry into the event.   Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodationarrangements.

The Summit ticket grants access to all the CVCFseminars being held at the Summit on 4-5 June 2010, lunch on the 4-5June 2010 and includes entry to the opening and closing ceremonies.

Pleasenote that the Summit is part of a week long series of seminars andevents hosted by CVCRI. Tickets to the Summit also include “audienceaccess” into the Employer/Employee Matchmaking event on the 5 June 2010and the Investor/Entrepreneur Matchmaking event on the 5-6 June 2010.

AudienceAccess entitles the participants entry to the matchmaking events on the5-6 June as spectators only.Only participants holding a paying ticketfor the matchmaking events may take part in the actual matchmakingand/or roadshows on 5-6 June 2010. Tickets to the Summit do not includeentrance to the entrepreneurship and venture capital training programmeson 3-4 June 2010.

The other related events hosted by CVCRI areas follows:

3-4 June 2010 – Entrepreneurship training programme
3-4June 2010 – Venture capital training programme
5 June 2010 –Employer/employee Matchmaking for the science, technology & financesectors
5-6 June 2010 – Entrepreneur roadshows andinvestor/entrepreneur Matchmaking

Please see below for furtherdetails on each of the above related events.


“The CVCF is a valuable and fruitful platform for you tomeet, mingle and build relationships with entrepreneurs, investors andprofessionals all over the world!

The 12th CVCF plans to bringtogether 600+ global investors (LPs, VC/PE representatives,institutional investors, and investment bankers), 700+ outstandingfund-seeking entrepreneurs, 100+ officials and policy-makers fromcentral and local governments, 100+ experts and professionals.

Theforum will focus on the theme "New Challenges in New Phase:Self-discipline and Brand Establishing of China VC/PE Industry”.Theforum will discuss a new world economy and trend analysis of China'seconomic development.The forum will cover various elements of thissubject, including:

•        Brand Establishing: New Challenges forVC/PE Firms
•        Science & Technology Finance: ExpandingAlternative Financing Solutions for Enterprises
•        InternationalisingChina's Capital Market, Improving Exit Channels for VC/PE
•       Hotspots and Tendency Analysis of Health Care Reform and Clean-Tech”

Source:CVCF website.

The Summit will take place over two days and willtake the form of various speeches and seminars given by VC/PE industryexperts, government representatives, economists and successfulentrepreneurs.

Please refer to the official agenda for furtherdetails:

Youcan find the official event webpage which contains further informationat


All seminars at the Summit on the 4-5 June will be held in bothChinese (Mandarin) and English. Audio headsets providing content in bothChinese (Mandarin) and English channels will be available.

Pleasedon’t miss out on this highly prestigious event! Contact us by email toevents@ceglobal.org


TheSummit is part of a week long series of seminars and events hosted byCVCRI.We have also arranged for our members and friends to receive a15% discount on tickets for these related events.

June 3‐4,2010
China Start-up Entrepreneurs Cultivation Program 2010
ChinaVenture Capitalists Cultivation Program 2010

The forum offers twotraining courses running in parallel.Participants may choose to enrolin either the Entrepreneurship training programme or the VentureCapital training programme.As the two courses run simultaneously,participants may only register for one of the courses.

Pleasenote that the training programmes will be conducted in Chinese(Mandarin).

Discounted Ticket price: US$1,105
NormalTicket price: US$1,300

Participants who have purchased a ticketto either the entrepreneurship training programme or the venture capitaltraining programme will also be granted entry to the Summit on the 4-5June, and “Audience Access” to the matchmaking events on the 5-6 June.

AudienceAccess entitles the participants entry to the matchmaking events on the5-6 June as spectators only.Only participants holding a paying ticketfor the matchmaking events may take part in the actual matchmakingand/or roadshows.

5 June 2010
China Advanced Talents ofScience, Technology & Finance Match-Making Symposium 2010

Theforum is hosting a matchmaking event for employers and employees in thescience, technology and finance industries.

Theemployers/employees matchmaking event will take the format of a jobfair, with participating employers being allocated a stall where theycan market their company and talk to potential employees.

DiscountedTicket Price: US$1,275
Normal Ticket Price: US$1,500

5– 6 June 2010
China Outstanding Enterprise Road Shows and InvestmentMatch-Making 2010

The forum is hosting a matchmaking event forentrepreneurs and investors. Entrepreneurs will be given an opportunityto conduct a roadshow and pitch to potential investors.

DiscountedTicket price: US$1,275
Normal Ticket Price: US$1,500

Thereis no official language for the matchmaking event. Attendees will bewelcome to speak both Chinese and English. However, it will be likelythat most attendees will be fluent in Chinese with English as theirsecond language.

Participants who have purchased a ticket toeither of the matchmaking events on the 5-6 June will also be grantedentry to the Summit on the 4-5 June.Tickets for the matchmaking eventsdo not include entry to the training programmes on the 3-4 June 2010.


For more information on any of the above eventsplease go to the CVCF website or send us an email at events@ceglobal.orgfor more information.

Registration deadline: Friday 21 May 2010.

Invoice and settlement will bein USD.

This event is hosted by:

Central Committeeof China National Democratic Construction Association,
Ministry ofScience and Technology,
People’s Government of Guangdong Province,
People’sGovernment of Shenzhen Municipality

and organized by:

ChinaVenture Capital Research Institute
Torch High Technology IndustryDevelopment Center, Ministry of Science and Technology
GuangdongScience and Technology Department
Guangdong Venture Capital PromotionAssociation
Science, Industry, Trade and Information TechnologyCommission
of Shenzhen Municipality
Shenzhen Venture CapitalAssociation
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
China VentureCapital Corporation Limited

We look forward to seeing youthere!
CE Global Team

About us:

ChineseEntrepreneurs Global (CE Global) is a non-profit organisation formed toprovide a platform for young Chinese entrepreneurs to shareentrepreneurial ideas/information and experience worldwide. It aims topromote entrepreneurship within the Chinese community in a globalcontext. CE Global works in conjunction with world-class businessschools, high profile entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, governmentbodies and local business agencies to provide a highly practicalentrepreneurship framework and business support network for businessstart-ups, helping new Chinese entrepreneurs to be better equipped inthe business world. CE Global aims to help aspiring entrepreneurs toexplore their entrepreneurial potential and to provide useful resourcesand networks for their business needs. www.ceglobal.org

All information relating to thisevent and its content has been provided by the China Venture CapitalResearch Institute.
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