陈颖 发表于 2013-8-19 11:14:34


<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 七星媒体集团急聘投资分析师,办公地点王府井东方广场,JD如下,欢迎加入!薪资有竞争力,五险一金、休假等均按国家规定。有意者可发简历至<A href="mailto:Teresa.chen@SunEnterprisesGroup.com">Teresa.chen@SunEnterprisesGroup.com</A>,联系人Teresa。 </P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 公司背景可百度一下,公司网址:<A href="http://www.global7stars.com">www.global7stars.com</A></P>
<P>Position Description:</P>
<P>1.Assist SVP with due diligence process.Make sure all parties involved in peojects on time; <BR>2.Provide business development support to the team; <BR>3.Analyze information about the project; <BR>4.Participating in Company meetings and conference calls as necessary to support Company’s business. <BR></P>
<P>Position Requirements: <BR>1.Education:B.A. and up, foreign study or work experience prefered. <BR>2.PPT proficient; expertize at business analysis. <BR>3.No less than 5 years working experience in this or the related field <BR>4.Good at communication, taking initiative,and handling pressure <BR>5.Be able to use English fluently.</P>
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查看完整版本: 招聘投资分析师Analyst