米希(法国) 发表于 2011-2-15 10:47:27

华人力量中国独立电影人电影作品展——摄氏巴黎(Paris’s Temperature)

开始时间:2011年2月27日 周日 15:00
结束时间:2011年2月27日 周日 17:00
费用: 30rmb, 包含红酒一杯。
地点:上海 陋室设计书吧 卢湾区 南昌路145号乙(近茂名南路) 地铁1号线陕西南路站4号口

1. 影片播放。15:20 播放正片 时长30分钟
2. 嘉宾对话。(中、英、法)


Love comes, love goes, it varies like seasons. Warm or cold, the temperature of love only can be sensed deep down in those hearts who cherish love.
Paris, the world capital of romance, witnesses thousands of love stories as centuries gone by. Van Gogh’s sadness, Noble’s first love and Xu Beihong’s hopeless love in Paris…. Hemingway said: “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” Pairs is not only a city but also a thermometer. It measures the temperature between lovers in every minute.

Directed by France-based Chinese elite director, a cast of professional French actors, original music and whole location shoot in Paris.

导演简介:Director introduction
Wan lifang, 旅法的中国新锐导演,毕业于巴黎国际电影学院。在巴黎期间拍摄多部电视广告片和商业宣传片。作为独立电影人,励志把中国文化和欧洲文化融合,给观众带来全新的试听感受。

Wan Lifang,Paris-based Chinese elite director, graduated from EICAR. During his stay in Paris, he did many TVC and commercial advertisements. As an independent Chinese Movie-maker, he has been making great effort to help more foreign people get to know china and bring new concepts to all audience.
‘Paris’s temperature’ was his representative work in 2010. It consists with 3 different style love stories which last 30 min’s respectively.There are ‘Epier Elle’, ‘Condom and Love movie’ and ‘la température à Hong Kong’. This time we’ll show you one of the three: ‘Condom and Love movie’

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