【萬希泉成為FIFA 年度頒獎禮2018贊助品牌之一】
【萬希泉成為FIFA 年度頒獎禮2018贊助品牌之一】萬希泉向來支持體育盛事,更積極與不同運動員作跨界合作。剛於倫敦隆重舉行的國際足球協會年度頒獎禮,萬希泉很榮幸能夠成為其中一個贊助品牌,見證這個萬眾矚目的國際球壇盛事。其中皇家馬德里中場主力、兼克羅地亞國家隊隊長莫迪歷(Luka Modric)繼早前成為歐洲足協最佳球員之後 ,再下一城榮登「世界足球先生」寶座;萬希泉的英國團隊亦有幸於現場親眼見證盛事。萬希泉恭喜今屆所有得獎球員!Memorigin always commits to supporting sports events both in local and globally, and engages collaborations with different athletes. The Best FIFA Football Awards 2018 has successfully held in London on 24th September. Memorigin is honoured to becoming one of the sponsors for this event, and our team in UK also witnesses this prestigious awards. After winning the UEFA Men’s Player of the Year Award, Luka Modric, who is the Captain of the Croatia National Team and the Midfielder for Real Madrid, is crowned as the Best FIFA Men’s Player for the first time. Congratulations to all the winners at this year's the Best FIFA Football Awards!#OnHongKongTime #萬希泉 #Memorigin #陀飛輪 #Tourbillon #FIFA#LukaModric #TheBest