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【猎头职位】IT Outsourcing公司招聘Finance Controller,上海工作,要求非中国国籍




  • TA的每日心情
    2016-1-7 09:44
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2014-11-5 09:58:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    我是来自猎上网的签约猎头顾问,为一家知名的IT Outsourcing公司招聘Finance Controller,要求非中国国籍。


    As a member of the Executive Management team, the ChiefFinancial Officer reports to the CEO and plays a key role in the overall management of the company. The CFO has primary day-to-day responsibility for planning, implementing, managing and controlling all finance-related activities of the company. These include direct responsibility for accounting, financing, forecasting, cost and profit analysis, staff incentives, deal analysis and negotiations as well as investor relationships. 

    Specifically, these responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:

    A. Supervision & Leadership (Personnel Leadership & Strategic Leadership)

    1. Organize, supervise, monitor and motivate finance department staff members
    2. Create and regularly update staff development plans
    3. Design, systematize and implement workflows and monitoring; check and create statistics on their successful implementation
    4. Check up on their work and provide regular feedback both to them and to CEO
    5. Provide executive management with advice on the financial implications of business activities
    6. Provide recommendations to strategically enhance financial performance and business opportunities
    7. Ensure regular evaluation and review of short and long-term strategic financial objectives
    8. Ensure that the financial reporting system is able to effectively support the needs of key management within a meaningful time frame

    B. Financing

    1. Work with banks and financial institutions to maintain smooth flow of funding for group operations and investments.
    2. Help create and maintain corporate profiles and other materials needed for interaction with investors, banks and other financial institutions

    C. Preparation of accounts and financial statements

    3. Maintain and regularly issue management accounts and financial statements (internal and external) for all locations and group companies
    4. Contribute to analysis of financial statements and help identify ways to cut costs and increase profitability
    5. Maintain and regularly issue group management accounts conforming with IFRS and meeting audit requirements

    D. Accounts receivable / Accounts payable

    1. Monitor receivables / payables with finance departments in all locations on an ongoing basis
    2. Make sure the status of each receivable / payable is known by Finance and that none are falling through the cracks
    3. Make sure proper processes are applied when client payments are behind schedule (late fees, escalation to management etc.)
    4. Maintain standards for invoicing and reporting as well as making sure those are sent out in a timely manner
    5. In certain cases, follow up receivables / payables directly with foreign clients / suppliers when language barrier prevents local staff from doing this

    E. Cost accounting / calculation of salesperson bonuses (“incentives”)

    1. Train office finance managers in properly calculating the cost for individual projects; review those cost calculations
    2. Manage finance staff to ensure interim and annual sales bonuses (“incentives”) are calculated correctly and paid on time
    3. Improve cost control through processes

    F. Logistics

    1. Monitor and support logistics department to ensure smooth operation of import/export activities
    2. Supervise the purchase orders for items to be imported from Germany, USA, etc.
    3. Supervise preparation of documents for import/export procedures (commercial invoices, packing lists, etc.) and ensure these documents meet professional standards
    4. Ensure that stock quantities are correct and reporting systems are functional
    5. Liaise with clients & suppliers in Europe and the USA for various import/export issues, especially when language barrier prevents this from being done by a local employee
    6. Organize office finance managers in supervising logistics department for various inventory management issues (e.g. planning stock levels for key products)

    G. Planning

    1. Proactively plan taxes to be paid in advance of the payment (VAT, business tax, corporate income tax, etc.)
    2. Obtain CEO approval before finalizing tax payment plans and/or large payments
    3. Plan parent company management accounts and financial statements
    4. Create consolidated financial statements for the IT Group as a whole
    5. Regularly plan and report on group cash flow



    1. Foreigner
    2. Fluent in English and Chinese
    3. Has 4-year financial management experiences in mid-size companies in China


    本人联系方式:Boya He, yayasann@163.com, 139 1805 2837

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