徐铭(英国) 发表于 2012-9-12 11:27:57

回国找上海The Jace-Kelly 招聘实习/全职各一名

<DIV id=read_tpc class=tpc_content>The Jace-Kelly is an Executive Search firm based inShanghai. Our success brought us to the highest levels of the Chinese HumanResources industry and while we're dealing with the top 500 companies, ourexpertise of markets and individuals made us one of the major actors tosuccessfully facilitate the perfect match between our clients and candidates.<BR><BR>The core of our company is based on strong values,and our mission is to build the best team which will have a perfect mix ofcompetencies such as quality control, speed, charisma and China insights.<BR><BR>To know more about our company please visits ourwebsite on <A href="http://www.jace-kelly.com." target=_blank><FONT color=#2b76b0>http://www.jace-kelly.com.</FONT></A><BR><BR><BR>If you are self-motivated, interested in humanresources industry and have excellent communication skills, we invite you to joinus.<BR>If you want to explore and experience the Chinamarkets, we invite you to join us.<BR>If you can use your competencies and talents tohelp us promote our business, we invite you to join us.<BR><BR>Job Description: <BR>1. You will assist on research, analysis andstatistics assignments;<BR>2. You will assist on different projects: Businessdevelopment, Marketing studies, Event organization etc;<BR>3. You will assist on Database maintenance andimprovement;<BR>4. You will be partly integrated in theinterviewing process of candidates;<BR>5. You will handle basic accounting tasks such asbank credits and billing;<BR>6. You will handle basic office administrativetasks, such as receiving calls and visitors, emails to suppliers.<BR><BR>The Requirements: <BR>1. A Bachelor degree or equivalent, any major is welcomed.<BR>2.Excellent written and oral English <BR>3. Postgraduate student is preferred; <BR>4. Compulsory: a minimum of 3 working days per week,at least for 6 months.<BR>5. Selection process is efficiently organized. If you are the one, we promise that you can on board in 10 days.<BR><BR>Please send both English/Chinese CV and picture to <A href="mailto:ermaoqian0513@live.cn "><FONT color=#2b76b0>ermaoqian0513@live.cn</FONT></A>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>Using the email subtitle as ‘Your Name-University Name-Major-Available Days Per Week’<BR><BR>我们是一家规模不大的公司,我们的客户锁定CEO、CF<BR>O、COO,合作企业有大家熟知的可口可乐,辛巴克,屈臣氏,中粮集团,OCBC BANK。。。<BR>也就意味着你将有机会与500强企业直接对话。<BR>The Jace-Kelly的猎头顾问平均每个人拥有1.8个国籍,会说3种语言,曾经在2个以上不同<BR>的城市生活过,是一个国际多元文化的组织,The Jace-Kelly的存在和发展就是为了把中<BR>国市场链接到国际舞台,让世界把握好中国快速成长的脉搏。同时,公司不论是办公环境<BR>还是同事都非常的nice,公司环境非常open,可以随时跟上司进行交流。<BR>我们希望每个人都珍视和了解自己的才能。公司内部环境十分NICE, BOSS和同事也都很Friendly很Open。实习工作内容每天都会不一样,每天都是新的挑战(不会让你打COLD CALL,和一般的猎头公司有很大区别)。公司提供非常完善的培训体制,你会与其他的intern一起根据自己分配合理时间来完成公司发放的inhouse training list,工作形式很free style,十分锻炼人的应变和交际能力。我们会仔细阅读每一份的简历,确保每一个申请者都有机会来参与到这个家庭中来!<BR><BR>全职也可。有想回国发展,对猎头行业充满兴趣的欢迎来挑战。<BR><BR>地址:上海市黄浦区新闸路356号悦达黄埔河滨大厦502室(地铁1号线新闸路站下)</DIV></DIV>
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