【猎头职位】北京:Seismic Imaging Leading Researcher
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<DIV>职位:Seismic Imaging Leading Researcher</DIV>
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<DIV class=details>Objective </DIV>
<DIV class=details>The seismic imaging team in the Beijing RDI center will identify and employ a leading researcher. The ideal candidate should document a proven track record in industry driven scientific research and development in the field of seismic imaging and preferably hold a world-class reputation. </DIV>
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<DIV class=details>Description of business unit </DIV>
<DIV class=details>The seismic imaging research team in Beijing contributes to our corporate strategic exploration seismic imaging and interpretation ambition by developing algorithms and workflows to address seismic imaging challenges in complex geological settings. The Beijing team is an integral part of TPD RDI exploration and will interact closely with the technology excellence user teams in North Europe and US</DIV>
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<DIV class=details>Personal and research management skills</DIV>
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<DIV class=details>The leading researcher much document: </DIV>
<DIV class=details>● Excellent business understanding </DIV>
<DIV class=details>● Ability and drive to deliver results with quality and precision </DIV>
<DIV class=details>● High level of intergrity. And a well-developed self-awareness </DIV>
<DIV class=details>● Strong analytical skills, and excellent communication and collaboration skills </DIV>
<DIV class=details>● Strong networkings abilities </DIV>
<DIV class=details>● Passion for company-values courageous, open, hands-on and caring </DIV></DIV>
<DIV>● Lead/participate in research team with development, implementation and testing of advanced two-way wave-equation velocity estimation and imaging solutions addressing the most important and complex imaging challenges<BR>● Push and position for the future’s big technology leaps in seismic imaging<BR>● Profile imaging technology through world-class developments and results<BR>● Technology surveillance and cooperation with relevant universities and research institutes<BR>● Develop and guide team members for educating top researchers</DIV>
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<LI>学历要求:博士或以上 </LI>
<LI>性别要求:不限 </LI>
<LI>语言要求:英语 + 普通话 </LI>
<LI>专业要求:相关 </LI>
<LI>年龄要求:40-55 </LI>
<LI>总工作年限:10年以上 </LI></UL>
<P>任职资格的具体描述:</P>● 10-year’s experience in relevant seismic imaging research<BR>● Proven track record in industry driven scientific research and development in the field of seismic imaging<BR>● Large scale parallel scientific computing skills<BR>● Experience related to following development from feasibility, through implementation to an optimized production version is an advantage<BR>● PHD Degree </DIV>
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<DIV class=details>薪酬福利</DIV>
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<LI>职位年薪:100-200万 </LI>
<LI>薪资构成:底薪 + 提成 </LI>
<LI>社保福利:国家标准 + 商业保险</LI></DIV>
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<LI>居住福利:公积金 </LI></DIV>
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<DIV class=details>有意者请发简历至:<A href="mailto:ruby.wang@reliance-hr-international.com">ruby.wang@reliance-hr-international.com</A></DIV>