尹玉婷(猎头) 发表于 2012-5-18 08:23:24


<DIV>任职要求:<BR>1、形像好,气质佳,有时尚感。 <BR>2、英语水平好(面试都是全英文的,口语必须过关) <BR>3、有志在时尚行业发展的,能吃苦,有毅力。 <BR>4、最好有过相关的社会实践经历以及海外留学经历。<BR>5、22-28岁,大学本科(含本科)以上学历。</DIV>
<DIV>Responsibilities: <BR>As a head of section in one of our stores, you will be responsible for the following aspects: <BR>Product management: suiting collections to customer's tastes, making orders, returns, ranges, invoice control (incidents) and dealing with complaints. Also responsible for fitting alarms, fitting garments on hangers, folding, stacking, replacing, attending to alterations and orders, and carrying out the inventory for the section.<BR>Image:<BR>&nbsp;-Setting up and co-ordinating garments;<BR>&nbsp;-Controlling the image of the section.<BR>Personnel management:<BR>&nbsp;-Helping the manager in selecting staff to work in the section;<BR>&nbsp;-Evaluating and communicating impressions with the manager; <BR>&nbsp;-Training and motivating the staff in their section;<BR>&nbsp;-Helping the manager organize timetables, olidays, sales periods and bank holidays. <BR>Reporting To: Section Manager <BR>Profile: <BR>-Preferably between 22 and 28 years old <BR>-Affinity with the product: able to identify with collections <BR>-Ability to co-ordinate<BR>-Working with customers: enjoy dealing with customers' needs <BR>Personal Profile &amp; Capabilities: Qualities for leadership, communication and teamwork <BR>Academic Background: UK university education background is highly preferred<BR>Language: Fluent in English</DIV>
</DIV><ins class="modify">[本话题由 Amory 于 2012-05-22 14:36:21 编辑]</ins>

尹玉婷(猎头) 发表于 2012-5-18 08:26:34


尹玉婷(猎头) 发表于 2012-5-18 09:04:42


金晶(英国) 发表于 2012-5-19 16:38:05


胡程程(英国/西班牙) 发表于 2012-5-20 18:53:06

<img src="image/face/2.gif" class="face">

尹玉婷(猎头) 发表于 2012-5-21 08:29:34

<div class="quote"><span class="q"><b>胡程程(英国/西班牙)</b>: <img src="image/face/2.gif" class="face"></span></div>如果有兴趣加我QQ吧:一一二三九六三二六一

尹玉婷(猎头) 发表于 2012-5-21 14:21:20


邱璐璐(英国) 发表于 2012-5-22 06:49:03


尹玉婷(猎头) 发表于 2012-5-22 09:13:32

<div class="quote"><span class="q"><b>邱璐璐(英国)</b>: 目前开始了吗,我要9月份才回国,会太晚吗?</span></div>目前招聘正在进行,9月份回国应该还是有城市在面试的!

尹玉婷(猎头) 发表于 2012-5-24 13:53:48

<img src="image/face/6.gif" class="face">顶!
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